Thursday, May 10, 2012

From Me To You

             Happy Mothers Day  to  GRANDMOTHERs
         MOTHER IN-LAWs         AUNTs
       NEIGHBORs        FRIENDs                WIVEs                    WIFEY

      Well without further delay I would like to express my love and appreciation to all the hard working, unconditional loving, always supportive and caring Mothers who are always there when it matters the most..(Anytime,Anywhere,Anyhow)
  Too many times we over look and take people for granted. We neglect or simply don’t express our feelings until it's way too late ..
So lets not use Shoulda Woulda Coulda  in relation to those special devoted women who "Made Us " 


Whether we are molded to live as we saw or simply do as I say and not as I do ,we are all Influenced by that Motherly Love!

 Am currently taking singing lessons to one day serenade my Mother… But in the meantime we are blessed with great musical masterpieces from various international artists, who echoes my sentiments. Mother’s Day is observed once a year but their Love is seen and felt throughout our lifetime.

*** Happy Mothers Day***
To my all
         MOTHER IN-LAWs